1 de julio de 2007

Last news in San Telmo

Spanish Onlinecourse started last week!
Special offer > 40 hours > 200 US $
¡Suerte che!

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FAQS about Spanish Online course

What do you need?

You need connection to internet, a microphone and speakers or headphones. If you have a web cam it would help but it is not necessary. If you do not have SKYPE you can download it for free
www.skype.com and if you have a hotmail address you can use the messenger. You can also go to an internet café.
It is recommended a minimum of 2 hours a day.
How should you pay? You can pay by a bank transfer, Western Union or Paypal.
When should you pay? You should pay in advance a minimum of 10 lessons all together.
Is there any extra charge?
Yes, there is an extra charge
of about U$S 20 to send the payment.